Guinea Pigs are a big addition as a pet. They aren't like hamsters or gerbils. They need attention and care just as a dog or cat does. They need Vitamin C, vegetables, fruit, and fresh food everyday. Many Piggies are in shelters or rescues right now because owners made an impulse buy at a pet store. Guinea pigs are not products and you need to seriously think before adopting a Guinea Pig. Think about this before you adopt a Piggy:
*you need at least 2 Piggies because Guinea pigs are herd animals
*if your Piggy becomes sick you'll need to be able to invest in vet bills
*spaying/neutering your piggy can help reduce health problems
*Guinea Pigs live for 8-10 years- Can you make this lifelong commitment?
*an adult needs to be a primary caregiver
*Guinea pigs need plenty of space and exercise
*You'll need to buy fresh fruits/vegetables once or twice a week for your Piggies to have daily
Food for Piggies can add up too, depending on how many Pigs you have. For my ten Piggies, I buy a large bag of Oxbow Cavy Cuisine (which costs about $18.99) every two weeks. Here's the supply list for two Guinea pigs:
-a 7.5-13 square foot C&C cage (pet store cages are WAY too small and quite expensive)
-a 16 or 32 oz. non-leaking water bottle
-a bag of Oxbow Cavy Performance (for piggies under 6 months) or Oxbow Cavy Cuisine (for piggies over 6 months)
-Oxbow GTN-50C Vitamin C supplement
-Vitamin drops for food or water
-1/8 measuring cup
-toys, a cozy, hammocks, accessories
-bedding (i use fleece as bedding because its much cleaner and less mess, especially for long hairs)
-food dish
-dish for vegetables/fruit
-fruits/vegetables (see the "Food" page)
-treats that are high in Vitamin C
-Timothy hay
-hay rack, hay sock, or hay "cube" for Timothy hay
-soft brush
-wire brush
-nail clippers (ask a vet how to clip their nails)
-KwikStop gel (quickly stops the bleeding if you cut the quick while clipping their nails!)
-hidey house or "Pigloo"
-books (i recommend buying a book so you can know more about owning a Guinea pig)
-food storage containers
-shampoo for guinea pigs (it's good to have this handy, especially if you have a long hair Guinea pig)
-large play pen (you will need this during warm months and for floor time!!)
I hope this helps you when deciding about owning a Piggy!